Cribbs Class MLK

Mrs. Cribbs’ multi-grade class recently created a project to represent Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in honor of his tremendous contributions to our society as a whole. The students practiced fine motor skills cutting out the shapes to make his hair, face, and body. They also worked together to discuss with peers where parts of his body were supposed to go. They read informational texts and learned facts to use in their craft. Each student picked out the fact that meant the most to them. They included such traits as “He was peaceful,” “He believed everyone should be treated equally,” and “He disliked violence.” The class was then able to transfer the information we learned from our research and apply it to our behavior and relationships in our own lives. We should live peacefully with one another, dislike violence, and live with love rather than hate. We appreciate the words of the famous Dr. King that still resonate today; Young boys and girls of all colors can respect, care for, and play together.