We are thrilled to invite everyone to join us for Theatre on the Turf at Chris Gilman Stadium on Saturday, March 22nd! This exciting FREE event promises a fantastic day for families and community members alike! Fathers Inspired Restored & Motivated (FIRM) will kick off the day with their inspiring presentation, "Team Work Makes the Dream Work," specially organized for parents. Join us from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at the CCHS Lecture Hall for men and CCHS G1 for women. After the presentation, the fun continues with games for all ages from 5:15-8:00 p.m.. Enjoy a variety of activities designed to bring joy to everyone, from the young to the young at heart! Delicious food will be available for purchase from a selection of food trucks, offering something for everyone’s taste. 🎬 As the day winds down, gather under the stars for a cozy movie night on the turf! The film "IF" will be shown starting at 7:00 p.m. Don't forget to bring your blankets and chairs for a comfortable viewing experience. ✨ This is a FREE EVENT open to all, so bring your family! Let's make memories together and enjoy a day full of laughter, fun, and community spirit! See you there!🌟 #BElieveinCAMDEN #WeAreCamden #TheatreontheTurf #ChrisGilmanStadium
4 days ago, Camden County Schools
Theatre on the Turf at Chris Gilman Stadium
The Crooked River Online Art Show starts today! To purchase, you can go to the link below to open the online art show. Please join us next Wednesday, March 5th from 4:00-6:00 in the gymnasium for the Art Show here at school! https://artomestore.com/collections/crookedriverelementary31558?scrlybrkr=29612dcf Online Art Show Start: Feb. 26, 2025 Online Art Show End: March 9, 2025
10 days ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Art Show
Mark your calendars now for CLASS Picture Day on March 26th. Paper flyers will come home in a few weeks, but you can order online now at www.leonards.com/order Don't miss out on this special memento!
12 days ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Class Picture Day March 26
Let's show our Dolphin Spirit tomorrow night at Huey Magoos! Come join us for the Crooked River Spirit Night tomorrow from 5:00-9:00 at Huey Magoos. 10% of your purchase comes directly back to our school, and you don't have to cook dinner! It's a win-win! We would love to see all our families there! Bring your friends, enjoy a meal, and support our school.
about 1 month ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Huey Magoos Feb. 4th 5:00-9:00PM
Happy National School Counselor Week! This special occasion is a perfect opportunity to recognize and express our gratitude to the incredible Mrs. Ellen Graw, our dedicated school counselor. Her unwavering commitment to supporting and guiding students is an inspiration! Mrs. Graw assists students in navigating their academic and personal challenges, offering a listening ear and practical advice. With her compassionate approach, Mrs. Graw addresses the emotional well-being of students, promoting a positive school environment. We are incredibly fortunate to have Mrs. Graw as our school counselor. Her dedication and passion are evident in everything she does. Thank you, Mrs. Graw, for your tireless efforts and the positive impact you have on all of us. Happy National School Counselor Week!
about 1 month ago, Crooked River Elementary School
National School Counselor Week
Parents, we apologize for the error in the RSVP date for Donuts with Dad. The new deadline to RSVP is THIS FRIDAY, January 31st ! Thank you for your understanding! Crooked River Elementary School Donuts With Dads We invite dads or father figures to enjoy sweet moments eating breakfast together! An event for moms is coming in March. Date: Monday, February 10 Time: 8:00-8:25 Location: Gym - you and your students will enter the side entrance of the gym in the corner of the side parking lot. Your child must be with you. Cost: Adults $3.00, CRES students FREE Menu: donut holes, egg scramble, fruit, juice & choice of milk Please RSVP to your child’s teacher by Friday, Jan. 31st Did you know that research shows students who eat breakfast at school perform better in school? Breakfast is fuel for school! Breakfast is free of charge for Camden students every day!
about 1 month ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Donuts With Dad
Mark your calendars for our Spirit Nights!
about 1 month ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Spirit Nights
Mark your calendars for the 100th Day of School on Monday, Jan. 27th! We invite everyone to dress like they're 100 years old!
about 1 month ago, Crooked River Elementary School
100th Day of School
📢 Attention Camden Families! Just a friendly reminder that all schools will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 20th. 🗓️ We will welcome students back to schools on Tuesday, January 21st. 🎒 Have a wonderful weekend! 🌟 #BElieveinCAMDEN #WeAreCamden
about 2 months ago, Camden County Schools
Attention Parents! Mark your calendars for our Parent Night Jan. 30th from 5:00-7:00! Connect with your child's teacher and learn about their mid-year progress.
about 2 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Family Night Jan. 30 5:00-7:00
Camden County Schools is excited to announce For Father Figures, FREE events designed for men who play a significant role in the lives of school-aged children. Whether you are a father, grandfather, uncle, or mentor, this event is for you! Join us for two enriching and engaging sessions featuring our distinguished speakers, Mr. Charles McWhite and Dr. Julius Demps. Session Topics The Art of Communication The Ebbs and Flows of Raising Elementary to College-Aged Children Session Dates 📅 Friday, February 7th 🕔 Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 📅 Saturday, February 8th 🕘 Time: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. 📅 Saturday, March 22nd 🕓 Time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Mark your calendars! 🗓️✨ Special Offerings Complimentary Tickets: Participants and their children will receive FREE tickets to watch the Wildcat Varsity Basketball Men's and Women's region games against Lowndes on Saturday, February 8th, at 6:00 p.m. Free Meal: Enjoy a complimentary meal from the concession stand. Theatre on the Turf: After the 1-hour session on March 22nd, enjoy a movie at Chris Gilman Stadium. Bring your children for a fun-filled evening with food trucks and games around the field. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect, learn, and enjoy with your children. Register today at the link below! https://forms.gle/d4peUWsoZb6ab14M9 For further inquiries, please reach out to Dr. Denise Cato at dcato@camden.k12.ga.us. Join us for this incredible event and make lasting memories with the young ones in your life. We look forward to seeing you there! #BElieveinCAMDEN #WeAreCamden
about 2 months ago, Camden County Schools
For Father Figures Events
YEARBOOKS are now on sale! This year’s CRES yearbook is 48 all-color pages of memories! The last day to purchase a yearbook will be Feb. 13th. The cost is $20.00 and yearbooks are sold ONLINE ONLY at the following link: BuyTheYearbook.com (school ID: 384386) No cash, checks, or money orders will be accepted at the school. THE LAST DAY TO BUY A YEARBOOK IS FEBRUARY 13TH!! Yearbooks will not be sold after this date. Order now so you don’t miss out! (paper flyers will be sent home with your child this week) *Note: yearbooks usually arrive the first week of May
2 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Yearbooks on Sale
Reminder! The PJ Drive will end next Wednesday, December 18th.
3 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Pajama Drive
Celebrating Camden County Schools' 2024 CCRPI Success! 🎉 Exciting news! The 2024 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) results are out, and Camden County Schools have once again demonstrated remarkable achievements! 📈 Key Highlights: Content Mastery: Consistency is key! Camden maintained steady scores across all grade bands compared to 2023. Elementary Excellence: Notable increases in Progress and Readiness components highlight the effectiveness of our strategies. Closing Gaps: While not including Math scores this year, this area sets a new baseline for future evaluations. State Comparisons: Camden schools shone brightly, outperforming state averages across most categories. School Achievements: Exceptional Content Mastery: 🎓 Scores above 90 at Kingsland, Mamie Lou Gross, Mary Lee Clark, and Woodbine Elementary. Perfect Progress: 🌟 St. Marys Elementary achieved a flawless 100.0 score! Closing Gaps Champions: 🏆 Kingsland and Woodbine Elementary each scored 100.0. Readiness Leaders: 🚀 Sugarmill, Matilda Harris, and Mary Lee Clark Elementary Schools scored above 89. Consistent Graduation Rates: 🎓 Camden County High School maintains its steady graduation rate. We are proud of our students, educators, and community for their dedication and excellence! Together, we continue to set benchmarks for educational success in Georgia. 🌟 #BElieveinCAMDEN #WeAreCamden #EducationalExcellence #CCRPI2024
3 months ago, Camden County Schools
We thought it might be fun to add some extra “PAWsome” fun to our ongoing Read-A-Thon. Throughout the entire month of December, we invite you to snap a pic of your student reading to their pet or favorite stuffed animal buddy. These adorable snapshots will be featured in the Media Center all month long and shared on our school Facebook page! This is a great way to showcase what our pets and students are reading! You may send your photos to: lmarkham@camden.k12.ga.us
3 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Paw-sitively Awesome Photos Needed
🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 Our annual School Holiday Shop is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December 10th, 11th, and 12th. The shop will be open from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm each day, offering an array of fun and festive items! To help your child budget for their shopping spree, we’ll be sending home money envelopes this week. This way, they can plan ahead and bring some cash along! Plus, on Monday, December 9th, students will have the chance to “window shop” and take a sneak peek at all the exciting items we have in store. We’re looking forward to a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and creativity. Happy shopping! 🎁✨
3 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Holiday Shop
Don't forget! This Friday, December 6th is the last day to donate a coat or request a coat for your child. Original post with all the details: Dear parents & families, As the weather starts getting colder, student needs start to really stand out. There are many students living in Camden County that do not have the means to buy a coat. Coats for Kids in Camden County is collecting gently used and new coats in an effort to give a coat to every child in Camden County that needs one. If you would like to donate a coat to Coats for Kids in Camden County just drop it off at school. If you have a child that is in need of a coat, please, fill out the bottom of this form https://5il.co/3154k and return it to school with your child. We would like to have all donations to the school by DECEMBER 6th to be able to distribute them before Christmas break. If you have any questions please contact our school counselor, Mrs. Ellen Graw egraw@camden.k12.ga.us
3 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
We're excited to announce that our Read-A-Thon starts TODAY! This year we are hoping for 100% participation from our families. Please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking on the following link: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323737373636 This year’s Read-A-Thon funds will go to support our One Read novel in January, fund our reward reading parties, and to add exciting new books to the school library collection. Donors Encourage Students. Students Read. Crooked River Elementary School Raises Funds. The top three classes with the most registered readers by the end of this week will win a Christmas Tree Cake Party for the whole class! Prizes will be rewarded throughout the fundraiser for students and classes with the most minutes read and most funds raised. Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers! Thank you, Crooked River Elementary School
3 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
🎉Camden County Schools is thrilled to announce the launch of our Parent Academy! 📚✨ The goal of this academy is to strengthen the home-school connection 🏠🏫. If you're interested in joining, please visit the application link below! ⬇️ 👉 Apply Now! http://bit.ly/CCSParentAcademy #BElieveinCAMDEN #WeAreCamden #ParentAcademy #HomeSchoolConnection #JoinUs
4 months ago, Camden County Schools
Parent Academy
Parents, checkout the new math fluency initiative at CRES! Math Croc-Stars!
4 months ago, Crooked River Elementary School
Math Croc-Stars